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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - slow


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~1 adj 1 »MOVE ETC« not moving, being done, or happening quickly  (a slow train | a slow, smoochy dance at the end of the evening | The computer's just so slow today, isn't it?) 2 »LONG TIME« a) taking a long time or a longer time than usual  (With the fog and ice, our journey was very slow. | It's quite a slow process.) b) taking too long, especially because of someone being unwilling  (a slow response to our requests for help | slow to recognize/see/follow etc)  (Our companies have been very slow to react to foreign competition.) 3 »CLOCK« if a clock is slow it is showing a time earlier than the correct time  (ten minutes/five minutes etc slow)  (The station clock was five minutes slow.) 4 »LARGE ROAD« only before noun the slow lane on a large road is not intended for fast-moving vehicles 5 »BUSINESS« if business or trade is slow, there are not many customers or not much is sold 6 »STUPID« not good or quick at understanding things  (Sometimes he can be rather slow. | helping the slower pupils | slow off the mark/slow on the uptake (=not good at understanding things)) - slowly adv  (The time passed slowly | slowly gathering speed as we rolled downhill) ~2 v also slow up to become slower or make something slower  (The train slowed as it went around the bend. | Business slows up at this time of year.) slow down phr v 1 slow sth down to become slower or make something slower  (Motorists should slow down and take extra care in foggy conditions. | My aching knee was beginning to slow me down.) 2 to become less active or busy than you usually are  (You're sixty, it's time you slowed down a bit.) ~3 adv slowly  (- see also go­slow)
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  (slower, slowest, slows, slowing, slowed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Something that is slow moves, happens, or is done without much speed. The traffic is heavy and slow... Electric whisks should be used on a slow speed. ...slow, regular breathing. ? fast ADJ • slowly He spoke slowly and deliberately... Christian backed slowly away. ADV: ADV with v • slowness She lowered the glass with calculated slowness. N-UNCOUNT 2. In informal English, slower is used to mean ‘at a slower speed’ and slowest is used to mean ‘at the slowest speed’. In non-standard English, slow is used to mean ‘with little speed’. I began to walk slower and slower... We got there by driving slow all the way. ? fast ADV: ADV after v 3. Something that is slow takes a long time. The distribution of passports has been a slow process. ? quick ADJ • slowly My resentment of her slowly began to fade. ADV: ADV with v • slowness ...the slowness of political and economic progress. N-UNCOUNT 4. If someone is slow to do something, they do it after a delay. The world community has been slow to respond to the crisis... ? quick ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ to-inf, ADJ in -ing 5. If something slows or if you slow it, it starts to move or happen more slowly. The rate of bombing has slowed considerably... She slowed the car and began driving up a narrow road... VERB: V, V n 6. Someone who is slow is not very clever and takes a long time to understand things. He got hit on the head and he’s been a bit slow since. ? quick ADJ 7. If you describe a situation, place, or activity as slow, you mean that it is not very exciting. The island is too slow for her liking. = quiet ? lively ADJ 8. If a clock or watch is slow, it shows a time that is earlier than the correct time. ? fast ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 9. see also slow- 10. slow off the mark: see mark slowly but surely: see surely slow on the uptake: see uptake ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English slaw; akin to Old High German sleo dull  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. mentally dull ; stupid a ~ student  b. naturally inert or sluggish  2.  a. lacking in readiness, promptness, or willingness  b. not hasty or precipitate was ~ to anger  3.  a. moving, flowing, or proceeding without speed or at less than usual speed traffic was ~  b. exhibiting or marked by low speed he moved with ~ deliberation  c. not acute a ~ disease  d. low, gentle ~ fire  4. requiring a long time ; gradual a ~ recovery  5. having qualities that hinder rapid progress or action a ~ track  6.  a. registering behind or below what is correct the clock is ~  b. less than the time indicated by another method of reckoning  c. that is behind the time at a specified time or place  7.  a. lacking in life, animation, or gaiety ; boring the first chapter is a bit ~  b. marked by reduced activity business was ~ a ~ news week  • ~ish adjective  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 15th century ~ly Usage:  Some commentators claim that careful writers avoid the adverb ~, in spite of the fact that it has had over four centuries of usage have a continent forbearance till the speed of his rage goes ~er — Shakespeare. In actual practice, ~ and ~ly are not used in quite the same way. Slow is almost always used with verbs that denote movement or action, and it regularly follows the verb it modifies beans…are best cooked long and ~ — Louise Prothro. Slowly is used before the verb a sense of outrage, which ~ly changed to shame — Paul Horgan and with participial adjectives a ~ly dawning awareness…of the problem — American Labor. Slowly is used after verbs where ~ might also be used burn ~ or ~ly and after verbs where ~ would be unidiomatic the leadership turned ~ly toward bombing as a means of striking back — David Halberstam.  III. verb  Date: 1557  transitive verb to make ~ or ~er ; slacken the speed of ~ a car — often used with down or up...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., adv., & v. --adj. 1 a taking a relatively long time to do a thing or cover a distance (also foll. by of: slow of speech). b not quick; acting or moving or done without speed. 2 gradual; obtained over a length of time (slow growth). 3 not producing, allowing, or conducive to speed (in the slow lane). 4 (of a clock etc.) showing a time earlier than is the case. 5 (of a person) not understanding readily; not learning easily. 6 dull; uninteresting; tedious. 7 slack or sluggish (business is slow). 8 (of a fire or oven) giving little heat. 9 Photog. a (of a film) needing long exposure. b (of a lens) having a small aperture. 10 a reluctant; tardy (not slow to defend himself). b not hasty or easily moved (slow to take offence). 11 (of a cricket-pitch, tennis-court, putting-green, etc.) on which the ball bounces or runs slowly. --adv. 1 at a slow pace; slowly. 2 (in comb.) (slow-moving traffic). --v. (usu. foll. by down, up) 1 intr. & tr. reduce one's speed or the speed of (a vehicle etc.). 2 intr. reduce one's pace of life; live or work less intensely. Phrases and idioms slow and sure of the attitude that haste is risky. slow but sure achieving the required result eventually. slow-down the action of slowing down; a go-slow. slow handclap slow clapping by an audience as a sign of displeasure or boredom. slow loris see LORIS. slow march the marching time adopted by troops in a funeral procession etc. slow-match a slow-burning match for lighting explosives etc. slow motion 1 the operation or speed of a film using slower projection or more rapid exposure so that actions etc. appear much slower than usual. 2 the simulation of this in real action. slow neutron a neutron with low kinetic energy esp. after moderation (cf. fast neutron (see FAST(1))). slow poison a poison eventually causing death by repeated doses. slow puncture a puncture causing only slow deflation of the tyre. slow reactor Physics a nuclear reactor using mainly slow neutrons (cf. fast reactor (see FAST(1))). slow virus a progressive disease caused by a virus or...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) замедлять 2) малосветосильный 3) малоспособный 4) медленнодействующий 5) медленный 6) медлительный 7) неспешный 8) тихий 9) тихоходный 10) укоснительный 11) черепаший dead slow speed — самый малый ход slow down to stall — гасить скорость до сваливания slow neutron detector — детектор медленных нейтронов - slow access - slow automaton - slow cargo - slow combustion - slow contraction - slow convergence - slow developer - slow down - slow electron - slow emulsion - slow film - slow lens - slow neuron - slow roll - slow variable ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. прил. медленный - slow down - slow off - slow up 2. гл. 1) замедлять(ся) 2) снижать (скорость) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  медленный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. разг. копуша, копун; копунья 2. разг. лентяй 3. разг. кляча 4. разг. слабо поданный мяч (крикет) 5. медленный, небыстрый slow speed —- тихий ход slow train —- почтовый поезд at a slow pace (step) —- тихим шагом (ходом) slow fire —- воен. редкий огонь; медленный огонь slow neutrons —- физ. медленные (тепловые) нейтроны slow running —- тех. медленное движение; холостой ход 6. неспешащий; неторопливый, медлительный slow runner (walker) —- тихоход he is a slow reader —- он читает медленно (долго) a person slow to anger (to wrath) —- человек, которого трудно вывести из себя he is slow to take offence —- его трудно обидеть; он не обижается по пустякам he is slow to make up his mind —- он не скор на решения he is slow to act —- он долго раскачивается, прежде чем действовать he was not slow to defend himself —- он тут же стал оправдываться he was not slow to take advantage of it —- он не преминул (не замедлил) воспользоваться этим 7. несообразительный, тупой slow learner —- разг. неспособный ученик to be slow at arithmetic —- быть неспособным к арифметике to be slow of (in) understanding —- туго соображать 8. умственно отсталый; с замедленным развитием slow child —- отсталый ребенок 9. медленно действующий, постепенный slow poison —- медленно действующий яд slow infection —- мед. медленная (вялотекущая) инфекция slow influence —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) медленный, тихий; постепенный  2) медлительный, неторопливый  3) неспешащий; he was slow in arriving - он запоздал; he is not slow to defend himself - он себя в обиду не даст  4) usu. predic. the clock is 20 minutes slow - часы отстают на 20 минут  5) идущий с малой скоростью (о поезде и т.п.)  6) тупой, несообразительный (тж. slow of wit)  7) скучный, неинтересный  8) amer. отсталый  9) вялый (о торговле)  10) затрудняющий быстрое движение (о поверхности, дороге) slow but steady - медленно, но верно slow and steady wins the race - тише едешь, дальше будешь Syn: deliberate, dilatory, gradual, laggard, leisurely, retarded, slack, sluggish Ant: agile, fast, lively, quick, rapid, speedy  2. adv. медленно; to go slow - быть осмотрительным  3. v.  1) замедлять, снижать (скорость и т.п.; часто slow down, slow up)  2) замедляться, снижаться - slow down - slow up SLOW down  а) снижать скорость The severe snowstorm has slowed the traffic down.  б) снизить темп жизни, жить более спокойно The doctor advised Jim to slow up for a time, to give his heart a chance.  в) уменьшать, замедлять The factory has had to slow down production. SLOW goods груз малой скорости SLOW learner малоспособный ученик; SLOW up see slow down ...
Англо-русский словарь


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